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This time there will be TWO versions of each sentence. The first will be in the old SOV word order. The second will be in the new beta version VSO word order. --- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote: > I'm adding a modicum of sanity this time. Well, not > exactly sanity, but at > least it isn't the end of the world. > 1. dull DISPUMPADU, OBUZU, CHUFANA > A dull knife cuts no cheese. Junu machuedi dispumpadu nu caxu currad. Currad junu machuedi dispumpadu nu caxu. > 2. muscle MUSCULU > The cheese sculptor creates a figure with bulging > muscles. Ul scuporu djuls caxus juna figura cun uls musculus xudandus cred. Cred ul scupuru djuls caxus juna figura cun uls musculus xudandus. > 3. floor PAVIMINDU > Its cheesy robes brush the floor. Als gaubijas caxozas ul pavimindu rufins. Rufins als gaubijas caxozas ul pavimindu. > 4. cloth PAN~U, TELA > The robes almost seem to be made of real cloth--silk > and linen and velvet. Als gaubujas djal tela vera -- sida ed buzu ed veuvedu -- fapudu jans pazi paraxins. Paraxins pazi als gabijas fapudu djal tela vera -- sida ed buzu ed veuvedu. > 5. white BUANGU > The cheese for the robes is a pure white mozarella, > whereas the skin is > made of a creamy cheddar. Ul caxu pera als gaubijas juna mozarela buanga pudigu esti, dumindri il peji djal chedara pan~aza fapudu. Esti ul caxu pera als gaubijas juna mozarela buanga pudigu, dumindri fapudu djal chedara pan~aza il peji. > 6. to swing OXIJACHARI, REDJERI< MOVERI, VACHIJARI, BUANCHERI, PUUMVERI > The robe is so thin that it swings in a breeze. Al gaubiza tan magru fid pera juna briza puumvid jid esti. Esti al gaubija fid pera juna briza puumved tan magru. > 7. awkward IMBRAZOZU > The expression of the cheddar hero is the awkward > embarrassment of someone > needing to visit the lavatory. Ul vutu djul eru chedaru il imbrazimindi djul augunu ad ul ban~u nexidandu vizidari esti. Esti ul vutu djul eru chedaru il imbrazimindi djul nexidandu vizidari ul ban~u. > 8. to entertain DIVERRERI > The careful carving of the sculptor entertains the > sort of people who > memorize games of chess. Ul inchidindu atindu djul scuporu il spechi djals persunas fin als jogus djal xarranga memorizad jid diverred. Diverred ul inchidindu atindu djal scuporu il spechi djals persunas fin memorizad uls jogus djal xarranga. > 9. dot PUMPU, NAGODU, NUGADA, MUMU, MOMA, JODA, CHEREA, SPILU, NUBA > A dot appears on the hero's nose, spoiling his > beauty with a wart. In ul nazu djal eru juna moma fid ul seu beju cun juni beredi huedandu avinid. Avinid juna moma in ul nazu djul eru, huedandu ul seu beju cun juni beredi. > 10. fly MUSCA, ZEVUVA, ARRVU, DUBANA CUNOBU > The dot is a fly that decided to breathe its last by > defiling a piece of > art. Ul momu juna zevuva fin peu juna obera djil arti provanandu ad ul chelu alari dechided esti. Esti ul moma juna zevuva fin dechided alari ad ul chelu peu provanandu juna obera djil arti. Adam > > ~wright ===== Il prori ul pa雝veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji fached. -- Carrajena proverb