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Re: [romanceconlang] Weekly Vocab #24

Adam Walker scripsit:

> So is "hide" an old Englis/Germanic measure?  If so
> what is the eqivilant measure in some Romance lang. 
> I've never come across this unit before.

The AHD Indo-European Roots Index says:

#   I. Basic form *kei-. 1. Suffixed form *kei-wo-. a. hind3,
# from Old English hwan, members of a household, from Germanic
# *hwa-; b. hide[3], from Old English hi:gid, hi:d, a measure of land (<
# "household"), from suffixed Germanic form *hwid. 2. Suffixed form
# *kei-wi-. city, civic, civil, from Latin ci:vis, citizen (< "member of
# a household"). 3. Suffixed form *kei-liyo-. ceilidh, from Old Irish
# céle, companion.

So there is no exact equivalent.  You could concoct something based on civis.

John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email  www.reutershealth.com  www.ccil.org/~cowan
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