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Christian Thalmann scripsit: > > 6. thousand > > A thousand hides of my land were taken as part of the mines. > > Un juoger mi ys terra fi caftun cun ei mine. > [@n 'ju@g...@r mi y tEr fi 'gaft@ kun e 'vi:n] > > Note the usage of official IB units of measurements. =) > I assumed a hide to be some 2 m^2. Not hardly. A hide was enough land to support a single (peasant) family. The size varied widely, depending on the quality of the land, but ranged from 500,000 m^2 down to perhaps a quarter of that. -- The man that wanders far jcowan@hidden.email from the walking tree http://www.reutershealth.com --first line of a non-existent poem by: John Cowan