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(Cross-posting from Conlang. It's actually a rather usable set of sentences for once.) In Modern Jovian... Padraic, don't read #8 too carefully. ;-D --- In conlang@yahoogroups.com, Christopher Wright <faceloran@J...> wrote: > 1. field > A well-fertilized field creates much joy. U aher bein duentu licta manore. [@z a:r ben dynt liCt m@'no:r] Contrary to what you might expect, |manore| doesn't mean manure, but is derived from Latin |magnopere| "very much". > 2. chicken (animal) > Chickens don't help with fertilization since they're too acidic. Glinae nau duengen bein, nan son nime aectae. ['gli:ne no 'dyNg@ ben nan sAn ni:m 'ECte] > 3. copper > I found large deposits of copper in my field yesterday. Hau iomminde mange un penu nys cupfer in mi aher here. [ho im'mind maNg @m be:n ny 'kupf@r... im mi a:r he:r] > 4. mine > The king's men installed a mine before I could so much as tell my neighbor > about it. I hindes ys Rec haen poeste ille an mine ande ud gau poesser [i hindz y reC hEm baSt il @m mi:n and ug go 'bass@r...] fluoher ei. ['flu@h...@r ej] The Jervan prefers to curse it rather than tell his neighbors about it. ;-) > 5. please > Those men weren't very nice. They didn't even say "please". I mares eran balbri. Eja nau haen dicte "bloro". [i va:rz e:r@ 'balbri e:j no hEn diCt 'blo:rA] > 6. thousand > A thousand hides of my land were taken as part of the mines. Un juoger mi ys terra fi caftun cun ei mine. [@n 'ju@g...@r mi y tEr fi 'gaft@ kun e 'vi:n] Note the usage of official IB units of measurements. =) I assumed a hide to be some 2 m^2. > 7. structure > They have built a hasty, rude structure over the mine. Haen tructe praeftade ed cruze un aevigun suore en mine. [hEn druxt prEf'ta:d ek kru:z @n E'vi:g@ dzu@r... em mi:n] Note how the final -n in |aevigun| causes initial mutation on the |suore| even though it's no longer audible itself. > 8. ugly > It's as ugly as a demon's butt. Ix tuerbe mou is culu nys Cambrindse. [iS tyrb mu i ku:l ny k@m...'brindz] > 9. typical > Such is typical of government work. Ix tifcu u naevu nys oeber guornaele. [iS tifks @ najv nyz 'Ajb@r... gur'najl] Coined |naevu| for "feature, hallmark" from the Latin word for "birthmark". I do such things far to rarely. > 10. lazy > I'm not giving a tenth term for this vocab because I got lazy. Nau prowo deigeime un worde ei xeirtun cause sou piore. [no 'pro:vA de'gejm @m mArd e 'SErt@ koz sow 'bi@r...] -- Christian Thalmann