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Re: [romanceconlang] Weekly Vocab #24

I don't really have a use for such a term if "land
sufficient for the use of one family" isn't a romance
conception.  From everything stated here thus far, it
looks like a bit of Anglo-Saxon foolishness which the
really quite sensible Carthagenians would have no use
for.  I think C-a will stick with acres and ares.  At
least until the Greeks come with whatever measures of
land THEY used, at least until the Arabs come with
whatever measures of land THEY used, at least until
the Normans come and restore Latinate measures, at
least until metric catches on.  Of course if the
berbers or Phonecian/Punicos had still-know standard
measures of land . . . 

Adam who makes things too complicated
--- John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email> wrote:
> Adam Walker scripsit:
> > So is "hide" an old Englis/Germanic measure?  If
> so
> > what is the eqivilant measure in some Romance
> lang. 
> > I've never come across this unit before.
> The AHD Indo-European Roots Index says:
> #   I. Basic form *kei-. 1. Suffixed form *kei-wo-.
> a. hind3,
> # from Old English hwan, members of a household,
> from Germanic
> # *hwa-; b. hide[3], from Old English hi:gid, hi:d,
> a measure of land (<
> # "household"), from suffixed Germanic form *hwid.
> 2. Suffixed form
> # *kei-wi-. city, civic, civil, from Latin ci:vis,
> citizen (< "member of
> # a household"). 3. Suffixed form *kei-liyo-.
> ceilidh, from Old Irish
> # céle, companion.
> So there is no exact equivalent.  You could concoct
> something based on civis.
> -- 
> John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email 
> www.reutershealth.com  www.ccil.org/~cowan
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