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New words created for or as a result of this exercise: 66 New idioms: 6 --- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote: > 1. safe SAUVU, SEGURU > The police make sure that my house is safe. Ils vidjilandis fi ul mi domu sauvu esti juns vidins cerru (*or* azegurans). > 2. rude VANDOLINU, ZODIGU, BRUXU > They are very rude, however. Pervi, juns mutu vandolinu esti. > 3. illegal CUNDRA LEDJI > They say that these herbs (hem-hem) are illegal. Fi als fista (em! em!) ervas cundra ledjis suns juns dichins. > 4. witness MARRU, TESTIVIGU > They cannot prove my guilt without a witness. Ul mi cupu sini junu marru juns nu podens provari. > 5. foreign ESTRAN~U > They say I'm a dirty foreign wretch, but I'm a > naturalized citizen. Fi ju juna un~eba avara ed estran~a, juns dichins, peru ju juna marganu naturalizadu sumu. > 6. industry INDUSTRIA > Foreigners are a vital part of industry, providing > cheap labor at the > expense of the native citizens. Uls estran~us juni parri vidali djal industria fin peu'l cunstadu djuls marganus indjinus ul lavoru pervi abastans juns suns. > 7. supper CHINA > All I know is, I'm earning my supper. Solu fistu xiu, ju al mi china sumu vedinandu. > 8. mud TIDI, LUDU > Actually, I know something else: my supper tastes > like mud. Pera fapu, aurri madji xiu: al mi china al gusta djil tidi aved. > 9. cupboard JAZANA > My cupboard is devoid of food, as is my > refrigerator. Al mi jazana vabu djul chivaju esti pomu ul mi refrigeradoru magari. > 10. alcohol COLU > My significant other keeps a large amount of alcohol > there, though. Al mi xadiga junu mutu djul colu aji jan majanad, pervi. Adam > > I may have to go nomail in less than a month due to > college, but I'll keep > up with the Weekly Vocab--I hope. > > ~Wright ===== Il prori ul pa雝veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji fached. -- Carrajena proverb