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Re: Weekly Vocab 16

New words created for or as a result of this exercise
-- 48
Extended meanings attached to existing words -- 2
New idioms -- 4

--- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote:
> 1. to stand


> I am standing in the [place where ruling body meets;
> palace entry].

Ju ad ul vestivuu djal gazara staripedju.
> 2. only


> I feel like I'm only an ant, staring up at the
> murals in awe.

Subra ad ils muralis peu al levrincha cun uls mis
ocuus cuavadu, pazi ju pomu solu juna formiga sindju.
> 3. banana


> I've got a hankering for a banana right now.

Ju fist'agora pera juna azera cubeu.
> 4. excitement


> That first bite sends jolts of excitement through my
> bones.

Isu morzu primoju peu uls mis ozus als xocas djil
exidachuni coxad.
> 5. blue


> Blue four-sided triangles dance through my head.

Uls trianguus zuarus djuls parru ladus peu ul mi
agan~u bajizins.
> 6. juice


> That juice must have been past its prime.

Isu zomu debostu ul djornu djals barras ed xoxan~as
fuid sin erruri.
> 7. better


> No matter; it's better this way.

Cunsini, peu fista via ul chu esti.
> 8. distant


> My hands are distant; the sky is close.

Uls mis manus lundjibu suns; ul chelu chirga esti.
> 9. unconscious


> I shall soon be unconscious.

Panzi, ju svinutu eseju.
> 10. rough


> I fall to the floor, my face scraping on the rough
> carpet.

Ad ul fundu, pera ul mi votu adjirga al jumbra ruvidu
ruvieri, ju cadju.

> Four months in action! Hooray!
> ~Wright

Il prori ul pa&#38621;veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji
fached. -- Carrajena proverb