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New words created for or as a result of this exercise: 63. --- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote: > Just got back from college orientation. > Roger Mills commented that the themes in my vocab > are a bit baroque. Well, > I figured that most concultures would have gone > through a bow-and-arrow > polytheistic stage, but many have not gone through > more advanced stages. > 1. cream PAN~A > Cats enjoy eating cream. Als cadixas al pan~a manderi jids puachins. > 2. thin MAGRU > This cat is thin, so he must not have eaten much of > anything, much less > cream. Al fista cadixa magra esti, pervi jid nu mutu djal nada, cherri nu al pan~a, jid cherri nu aved mandudu. > 3. to promise PROMIDERI > I promise to care for the cat from now until > Ragarnok [Norse mythology: > end of the world]. Ju ad al cadixa curari djal agora gat'ad ul Ragarnocu, ju promidju. > 4. to interrupt TRUNGARI > Ragarnok interrupted my oath. Ragarnocu al mi alada jid trungud. > 5. lightning BARGA > Lightning flashes brightly, not waiting for the > previous bolt to stop > before the next one crashes down Al barga fuedjid brijumindi, nu para al bargida pasadu smetiri esperandu ebostu al aurrida frandjed ed covad. > 6. unison CUN . . . INSIMULA > Thunder sounds in unison with the lightning. Ul tunirru cun al barga insimula rizundadu. > 7. shelter BEDI > There is no shelter from the terrible storms and > earthquakes. Nu il bedi djals azaras tremindas ed djuls terremodus aved. > 8. ancient ANDIBU > Ancient buildings are ruined by the floods and > warring deities. Uls edivichus andibus peu uls diluvius ed uls balus verrandus aved pernichudu. > 9. protest PROTESTA > Environmentalists lodge a protest with the gods > regarding the destruction > of the planet. Als invirumindalistas cin uls balus adjirga il destrufuni djil puanedi, jans juna protesta prezinchins. > 10. spite DESPEPU > In spite, Loki and Thor rip the world to tiny > pieces. Peru despepu, il Loci ed ul Thoru juns ul mundu ad uls pitachus minudus juns disgravans. > 11. to regenerate LEDJINERARI > Odin, responding to the environmentalists' pleas, > regenerates the universe. Ul Odinu, ad uls apejus djals invirunmindalistas respundindu, ul universu jun ledjinerans. Adam ===== Il prori ul pa雝veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji fached. -- Carrajena proverb