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Re: Innu-Romance Pater Noster

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Jan van Steenbergen 
<ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote:
>  --- habarakhe4 skrzypszy: 
> > fa&sal na&sal, rii ia in gialii, [...]
> > &ansivigaasul su'un naman,
> > anias su'un langnu.
> > vias su'un alansa
> > us in sala us in gialii.
> > tuanaa ati'ia napii fana na&sal guasiti'aana atra
> > ap&alisa nua slakla&&iuania
> > us nua ap&alimu slakla&&iuania aliualun.
> > na tuugiasa nua in sansaasiauna atra
> > &aliasa nua ia malii.
> Interesting. What kind of language is this? A Romance-Inuit 
combination of some
> sort? (in that case, I think you necessarily ought to introduce 
some q's...)
> Jan
Innu-Romance (which needs to be renamed, since Innu is an Algokian 
language unrelated to Inuit) is Latin developed into an Inuit 
phonological mold. No contact with the Inuit is required. The lack 
of /q/ is the pressing issue. There is the development gw > G > q, 
but the only Latin words I can come up with that fit the parameters 
are liiqa < liiGa < lingua, aaqi < aaGi < anguis, and uuqan < uuGan < 

If I put Liiqa Laasiina in the FI universe (which would explain what 
a Roman galley is doing off the West African coast), I could infuse 
it with some Berber (for which I already have notes and sources) and 
set it up in Cap Verde Islands (too meager in resources?) or Fernando 
Póo (not too far for a Phoenician galley). This would produce the 
opposite of Maltese ? instead of a Christian population speaking 
Arabic, Liiqa Laasiina would be a Muslim population speaking a 
Romance language.

If I do not set it in FI, I could infuse it with some form of 
Brythonic on the way to Iceland (Suula < Thule). 
> =====
> "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. 
Fortunatian: "Orinartat och ach do queran ti huon"
?Liiqa Laasiinaa: "arikinalisa a&s ars hialaans su`un vans"