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Re: More Guanche words

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Roger Mills" <romilly@e...> 
> Message: 1
>    Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 07:05:50 -0000
>    From: "habarakhe4" <theophilus88@h...>
> You wrote:
> >Here are the guanche words whose meaning I don't >quite understand,
> >due to the Spanish, I would appreciate help.
> Have you checked these against a Really Big Spanish dictionary?  
What's the
> time-period involved-- there may be archaic usages. The original 
> glosses might help...
> I can't help with many, but a few ideas.....
> >Aguamames [agwamames] > abamam(ex) [abamam] f. teething ring by 
> of fern with butter that occurred to the children
> Sounds like a reasonable sort of teething ring; is _aguamames_ 
possibly a
> borrowing from Span.?
>  >Amolán [amolan] > amauran(ex) [amoran] mantequilla
> Butter (?)
> >Añepa [aJepa] > anhef(ax) [aJef] lance of tea very worked that 
preceded to
> the king
> "lanza de té? muy labrado que precedió al rey"
> Sounds like a ceremonial ornate "lance" that was carried in front 
of the
> king  (cf. the mace in UK Parliament processions, and in some 
> ceremonies).  No idea what "tea" (té?) could refer to-- a native 
> >[t.aserke:n] > /chaxorquen(ex)/ [t_SaS@rken(Es)] f. honey of mocán
> > [joja] > iaui [joja] f. the fruit of mocán
> mocán probably a native plant?  Is it a Guanche word?
>  >[girre] > jir(ex) [d_Zir] f. quebrantahuesos (?), the bird
> "bone(hueso)-crusher/breaker(quebrantar)"
>  >[wirmas] > huirm(ax) [wirm] booties or averages (?)
> Is this "medias"? Most likely stockings, maybe booties.
> >[wesco] > huecxaun(ex) [wekSon] dried roots of malva which have 
> milk
> >[Swesto] > xuechaun [Swet_Son] f. raiz (?) of malva
> Malva IIRC is the Latin name for the _mallow_ plant. Looks like -
xaun [Son]
> might be the corresponding part-- wek+Son, Swet+Son. Does Guanche 
> head-last?
> >[tabite] > tabyt(ex) [tab1t]   jarro (?) small
> jarro = jar, vase
> >[SaSo] > xaxaun [SaSon] f. momia (?)
> Mummy????
> Hope this helps.
I'm headed to the public library today (it's next to the video store)