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Re: More Guanche words

Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 07:05:50 -0000
   From: "habarakhe4" <theophilus88@hidden.email>

You wrote:
>Here are the guanche words whose meaning I don't >quite understand,
>due to the Spanish, I would appreciate help.

Have you checked these against a Really Big Spanish dictionary?  What's the
time-period involved-- there may be archaic usages. The original Span.
glosses might help...
I can't help with many, but a few ideas.....

>Aguamames [agwamames] > abamam(ex) [abamam] f. teething ring by root
of fern with butter that occurred to the children

Sounds like a reasonable sort of teething ring; is _aguamames_ possibly a
borrowing from Span.?

 >Amolán [amolan] > amauran(ex) [amoran] mantequilla

Butter (?)

>Añepa [aJepa] > anhef(ax) [aJef] lance of tea very worked that preceded to
the king

"lanza de té? muy labrado que precedió al rey"
Sounds like a ceremonial ornate "lance" that was carried in front of the
king  (cf. the mace in UK Parliament processions, and in some University
ceremonies).  No idea what "tea" (té?) could refer to-- a native wood?

>[t.aserke:n] > /chaxorquen(ex)/ [t_SaS@rken(Es)] f. honey of mocán
> [joja] > iaui [joja] f. the fruit of mocán

mocán probably a native plant?  Is it a Guanche word?

 >[girre] > jir(ex) [d_Zir] f. quebrantahuesos (?), the bird


 >[wirmas] > huirm(ax) [wirm] booties or averages (?)

Is this "medias"? Most likely stockings, maybe booties.

>[wesco] > huecxaun(ex) [wekSon] dried roots of malva which have absorbed
>[Swesto] > xuechaun [Swet_Son] f. raiz (?) of malva

Malva IIRC is the Latin name for the _mallow_ plant. Looks like -xaun [Son]
might be the corresponding part-- wek+Son, Swet+Son. Does Guanche compound

>[tabite] > tabyt(ex) [tab1t]   jarro (?) small

jarro = jar, vase

>[SaSo] > xaxaun [SaSon] f. momia (?)

Hope this helps.