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Re: Weekly Vocab #12

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Jan van Steenbergen
<ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote:
>  --- Christian Thalmann skrzypszy: 
> > (Cross-posting from the Conlang list.)
> Hm, perhaps I should do that as well? Is there anyone over here who is
> interested in Wenedyk translations and cannot read them on Conlang?

It seems that at the very least Padraic doesn't read Conlang,
and possibly others too.  Personally, I only skim the topics
and read whatever appears interesting or useful.

> > Note: |Emblojer| is a loan from French.  Hmmm.  I shouldn't
> >       borrow that many words.  Jovian needs more original
> >       word creations!  =P
> French "employer" is from Latin |implicâre|. Suppose Jovian had
inherited it
> from Latin, what would the new form have been?

|Imbligare|.  Pretty bland.  I think I'm going to keep this
word for "to imply".

> > I crifturs glinan criscer indsani pox nis anni.
> "criscer indsani". Nice.

|Criscer| is my all-purpose word for "to become, turn into".

> > I saerdodes poessen perwudare eos crifturs indsani.
> "perwudare"... were does that come from?


Speaking of which, what's the etymology of |rzusa 
sus'ciewier|?  I assume |rzusa| is somehow connected to 
French "réussir", though I have no idea where that comes
from...  and |succezer| [suk'ke:z@r] is a bit too dry for
my taste.

> > > 10. job
> > > Perhaps I could get a job as a scribe.
> > 
> > For gau ciber muoner mou criftur.
> > [fAr go 'gi:b@r 'mu@n@r mow 'grift@r]
> Ha, I considered that too as an alternative option for "job". But
alas, I
> already had |munu|, gen. |munierzy| for "task".

|Muoner, muondra| ['mu@n@r 'mund@r] means "duty, job, chore".
I also have |pindsun| ['pindz@] "task, duty, share of work,
pensum".  Furthermore, I have |proveissone| [prAves'so:n]
"profession, trade", with the interesting spin-off word 
|proeftire, provissu| [praf'ti:r prA'viss] "claim to be, pass
as; come out".  I also consider importing |bruofe| ['bru@f]
from German "Beruf" (Swiss German [pru@f]), with the 
connotation of "full-time job" as opposed to serving at the
student café two evenings per week.

-- Christian Thalmann