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AW: Vegliot/Dalmatian

Adam a screffas:

<I've got a book on Vegliot which comapres a long list
<of Vegliot words with their cognates in other Romance
<langs.  If I can ever remember to bring it I could
<post some, but remembering to toss it in my bag before
<I come to the net cafe is the problem.

Dear Adam, 

If you could do this I'd be eternally greatful. You know what it's like.
Once you've got a new conlang idea you really want to get started....

I've checked the cataloque of the Vienna university library and they
also have two books on Vegliot, but it'll be a while until I have the
time to go round and look for them. So if you could help me I'd really
appreciate it. 


--- ryanprohaskadan <daniel@hidden.email> wrote:
> Buana Siara, 
> Maybe you all can help me!
> I'm looking for as many words as can be found in the
> extinct 
> Vegliot/Dalmatian/Ragusan language. Has anyone got a
> word list, or 
> anything about it???
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Ta very much, 
> Buana nuat.
> Dan