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Re: [romanceconlang] Vowel Alterations

On Tue, 27 May 2003 13:46:14 -0700 Anton Sherwood <bronto@hidden.email>
> Jeffrey S. Jones wrote:
> > Anyhow, one point of possible interest is that some nouns and 
> adjectives
> > change quality of the stressed vowel in the plural. Examples:
> > --- la flur, las flors;
> > --- l tor, lus tars;

> Is this the outcome of a sequence of regular shifts, or did you just 
> think it was cool?  ;)

> I haven't come up with a plausible sequence that results in both 
> flore>flur and torres>tars; the raising and lowering forces tend to 
> undo each other.
The double consonant vs. single consonant following the vowel could
possibly affect it.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "dos iz nit der ?teg."

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