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Re: My romance lang.

Quoted text in <<<<<<< these >>>>>>> again.

Message: 2
   Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 12:55:20 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email>
Subject: Re: Re: My romance lang.

--- "Jeffrey S. Jones" <jeffsjones@hidden.email>

[Magomagno wrote:]
> > > I'm working on my own ideal international
> > > Romance lang.

>> [W]e'd also like to see this
>> message as the very last in which you tout it
>> as "ideal" or "international".
> My impression is that magomagno wasn't too
> serious about the policital aspect. Is that
> correct, MM?

Could be. We'll never know, cos the Wizard has decided to scrap
Neo-Latin in favour of other projects.

Too bad.

Personally, I kind of liked it. But when the first thing out of a
poster's mouth is chapter 1, verse 1 of the IALer's Gospel of the

IALer's Gospel of the Promulgation? Do you have a copy of that? It would
make a dandy translation exercise, or maybe a relay text!

one can only assume that the intent is earnest unless further evidence
to the contrary is forthcomming!

I've been trying to assume the opposite, so that I'll waste less time
flaming. :)

> > No gender? Strange... Romlangs used to have gender...
> They still do. Some have all three inherited
> genders. Euroclones tend to dump it for some
> strange reason, though!
> >>>>>
> The gender would have to be either biological or match the noun
> ending. It's simpler to eliminate it.

Agreed (a la English), but contrary to the premise. The premise being
the use of the ablative singular (-â, -ô, -e, -î, -û, -ê) as the basis
for the N-L nouns endings.

I had forgotten about that. I suppose one could invent new genders to
match the declensions!

> My question is: Is the -i ending retained when adjectives are used as
> nouns?

Someone else also asked that;

I'm having trouble operating in realtime.

I also lamented the discrimination of important -i stem Latin nouns
that will be forced into a nother declension simply because -i is now to
be used as the adj. ending. Mind you, I'm not _against_ this
solution, just wondering at it.


Jeff Jones