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Vowel Alterations

Hi, all.
Instead of doing serious conlanging, a while back I started playing with
a mostly conventional RomLang. My plan was to make my 1st post here all
in (name of new lang), but .... that was some time ago.
Anyhow, one point of possible interest is that some nouns and adjectives
change quality of the stressed vowel in the plural. Examples:
--- la flur, las flors;
--- l tor, lus tars;
I can't think of any other examples at the moment.
There are also the more common alternations due to stress shift in
derivations and conjugations:
--- stressed /w&/ or /o/ to unstressed /u/
--- stressed /jA/ or /&/ to unstressed /e/
The consonant scheme is less well developed.

Jeff Jones