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--- Adam Walker skrzypszy: > I'm tryong to decide how to say "thank you" in Carrajena > and there are just too many nice options to choose > from. > > GRATIAS would give gracha or a plural grachas. Nah, too obvious! > GRATIAM HABEO might give grachaveu. This is a very nice one IMO. I looks both naturalistic and original. > GRATULAR (> Wen. gratl/u) which might give graduu. > OBLIGATU would give obuigadu or perhaps ovuigadu. > MULTU gives mutu but I'm not sure about the origin > ofthe mesc part of the Romanian multumesc. No. > MERCEDES would give merchedi. Possible. > SHUKRAN would be xugrana. > SAHHA might give saca. > KALI' SSO'RTA-SSU might give calisorrasu. > TAMEMMIRT might give tamirr. > TANUMERT migth give tanumerr or tan~err. From these, I think I would prefer "saca", but I have no idea what it means and from what language it is borrowed. > TODA would give toda. Why borrow it from Hebrew? In short, "grachaveu", "merchedi", and "saca" are the ones that I like most. In that order. However, bear in mind that a word can have one or more synonyms. And like English "thank you/thanks", many languages have versions based on nouns and on verbs simultaneously. Besides, every language I know has several levels of expressing gratitude: thank you, thanks a lot, thank you very much, deeply obliged, etc. Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ It's Samaritans' Week. Help Samaritans help others. Call 08709 000032 to give or donate online now at http://www.samaritans.org/support/donations.shtm