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I've been posting about this over on Conlang, but this is really the more apporpriate forum for continuing this dither. If you happen not to be a member of the other list, here's the problem. I'm tryong to decide how to say "thank you" in Carrajena and there are just too many nice options to choose from. GRATIAS would give gracha or a plural grachas. GRATIAM HABEO might give grachaveu. GRATULAR (> Wen. gratl/u) which might give graduu. OBLIGATU would give obuigadu or perhaps ovuigadu. MULTU gives mutu but I'm not sure about the origin ofthe mesc part of the Romanian multumesc. MERCEDES would give merchedi. SHUKRAN would be xugrana. SAHHA might give saca. KALI' SSO'RTA-SSU might give calisorrasu. TAMEMMIRT might give tamirr. TANUMERT migth give tanumerr or tan~err. (Of course I haven't seen rr at the end of a word before so mayby those should be tamirri, tanumerri, tan~erri.) TODA would give toda. Who can tell what will emerge.