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Yo, dog, I just horsin around.

Well, since I sent some bird words (donning anti-song
ear plugs) I though the mamilian inhabitants of C-a
lands might be a wee miffed if I faild to give them
equal time so here's a list of currently extant animal

camel    --  gameli
wolf     --  lubu
dog      --  cani (pet or working), ceubi (stray or
goat     --  cabra
deer     --  chervu
elephant --  euvandi
donkey   --  axinu
horse    --  cavaju, jimeli
hare     --  lebri
otter    --  lurra (do they have otters in North
lynx     --  linchi
rabbit   --  cuniguu
sheep    --  ovija
rat      --  radunu
pig      --  ganzi
bear     --  urzu
fox      --  vupi

That's all at present.  I have yet to name some
significant animals, but . . . 
