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--- habarakhe4 <theophilus88@hidden.email> wrote: > Fortunatian axor, axorex [aS@r, aS@reS] > <snip> Well, your Fortunate :-) response to this ages old post made me realize that inspite of the length of my original I never did post any C-a bird names so here they be: Bird -- jucheli lark -- alada goose -- juga eagle -- evila stork -- chicon~a raven -- corveja crow -- corvu cuckoo -- cuculu swan -- chin~a falcon -- faucu hen -- gajina gull -- laru/guaru sparrow -- paseri peacock -- pavuni/paguni partrige -- perrixi pheasant -- fajinu turtledove -- turreleja ostrich -- strudju starling -- sturnuja blackbird -- melura woodpecker -- pigu (which do doubt elicits peals of idiotic laughter from little Chinese school children leaning Carrajena) There go ye. Have ye fun therewith. Adam who thanks to the last weekly vocab exercise now has at least one word in C-a begining with every letter of the C-a aufabeda