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Re: [romanceconlang] Too cool for words!

--- Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@hidden.email> wrote:
> I do have to get a little creative with the
> spelling. The only problem
> though is none of the spanish speakers can do the
> proper montreiano j, or
> g before i or e, that is /Z/. If they had a
> Portuguese speaker there it
> would probably work the best. 

I have the same j and the same problem.  I also
thought a Protuguese speaker might do well with the
C-a j but then I remebered the Brazilian pronunciation
of r as /x/ or something a bit softer and decided I'd
rather not hear that either.  I'd like to hear what an
Italian voice did with C-a stress.  I know they'd flub
the j's and I'd have to respell for them to get
several other sounds, but . . . A~HHH! What they
really need is a C-a voice!
