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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker <carrajena@y...> wrote: > Well, since I sent some bird words (donning anti-song > ear plugs) I though the mamilian inhabitants of C-a > lands might be a wee miffed if I faild to give them > equal time so here's a list of currently extant animal > names: > > camel -- gameli > wolf -- lubu > dog -- cani (pet or working), ceubi (stray or > wild) > goat -- cabra > deer -- chervu > elephant -- euvandi > donkey -- axinu > horse -- cavaju, jimeli > hare -- lebri > otter -- lurra (do they have otters in North > Africa?) > lynx -- linchi > rabbit -- cuniguu > sheep -- ovija > rat -- radunu > pig -- ganzi > bear -- urzu > fox -- vupi Fortunatian: camel - camer/aux canary - prob'ly a Guanche/Berber word wolf - ruf/aux dog - can/ex goat - cafrau/x, cafra/x deer - boch/ax elephant - orhuant/ex [@rwant-] donkey - axin/aux horse - ep/aux hare - rofre/x rabbit - Are rabbits native to North Africa? If so, prob'ly from Berber. sheep - ob/ex rat - rat/aux pig - xu/x (<Lat. sus) bear - ux/ox fox - byrp/ex > > That's all at present. I have yet to name some > significant animals, but . . . > > Adam