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Hi all, I've recently visited the web page of our "reconlanger" who reconstructed Neo-Dalmation and wrote to him (her?). However, my mail bounced back. So I thought I'd try here. This is what I wrote: daniel@hidden.email said: > > Buan dai! > > I was directed to your web site about "Neo-Dalmation" by a fellow Romance conlanger. It's really great. A pitty there's not more. But I'm sure you're working on an update ;) > > I've recently been looking into Vegliot as well, and have found a number of developments from Latin interesting. Maybe we can exchange thoughts? > > There is also another site about a Dalmatian conlang, or better: reconlang. The language seems very much based on Romanian, with post positioned article and the works....Is that site also yours? > If yes, then I'm definately against post-positioning the article. Everything in the "Tuota Nuester" points towards the article having been placed before the noun in question. > > I've been very much involved in the Cornish language movement, and have been planning on reconstructing Norn, the former Scandinavian language of Shetland and the Orkneys. > > Then through Romance-conlang I rediscovered Vegliot (I had read > Lockwoods "Introduction to the Indoeuropean Languages" years ago, whence I know the "Tuota Nuester"). > > I have only this and a couple of other words I found in the internet, like the numbers from 1-10. Have you got more survivals? I also found Vegl. <pail> from PILUM in an article about Latin in Routledge`s "The Romance Languages" - a book I have to get. > > Have you got "Das Dalmatische" by Matteo Giulio? I must try to find it. > > I'm sure you are the expert here on the language, but I've spent a couple of days playing around with the Vegliot I got my "hands" on and there are couple of points in your reconstruction I'd like to check with you (since you asked for feedback on your site). > > You have <yuarból> from ARBOREM "tree". I assume <´> indicates stress??? I've found Vegl. <yuorbul>. Now I'm not sure about the Latin, but could ARBOREM not be stressed on the first syllable? Or was the penultimate syllable heavy? I'd have said <yúórbul>, but maybe I'm wrong here. > > I definately disagree with <-s> plurals. I believe final <-s> was lost in Vegliot. leaving the old nominative plural as the uniform plural form. You wrote: <da les yoamnes> "of the men" > I'd have reconstructed something like <da i yomn(i)> or something similar, <da i yuamn/ dai i yuamni>. What do you think? > > Can you explain the reconstruction *<seraura> "sister"??? > > I'd also question *<ast> for EST "is". I believe Vegl. had the second person *<es> as I'd re-analyse the first sentence of "Tuota Nuester" as: > > *tuota nuester ke t' es sant in el tSil > > (The <s> remains as this is a stressed monosyllabic word. > > So EST would have developed into *<es>, *<est(e)> or *<e>. > > I'd also go for a reconstruction of "region" as *<regiaun> rather than your *<reguán> > > <ventS> "20" I'm just not sure about. Is is attested? > > What do you make of the development of Latin <AU> in Vegl.? > > Can you send me a word list of attested or recorded words (and their source), please? - I'd be very interested. > > I'm looking forward to hearing from you, > > All the best > > Dan > >