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Well, as promised, here is something about verbs in Wenedyk. First of all, there are three conjugations: the first or a-conjugation, the second or e/i-conjugation, and the third or consonantal conjugation. As you can see, the Latin fourth (i-) conjugation merged with the second. Furthermore, there are three tenses (present, past, future), two aspects (perfective, imperfective), and three moods (indicative, conditional, imperative). The present tense indicates an action that takes place, either now or in general. The aspect is, of course, always imperfective. The imperfect tense indicates an action that took place in the past, but was not finished at the moment of reference; it can also indicate an action that used to take place on a regular basis. The perfect tense indicates an action that has been concluded, either now or in the past. The future imperfective tense (future I) indicates an action that will take place in the future, with emphasis on the action itself and not its conclusion. The future perfective tense (future II) indicates an action that will be concluded in the future. In this case it is the result that matters, not the action itself. The conditional is not connected to any particular tense and can be used in combination with the present tense, the past tense, and the future tense. It is used to express a wish, a possibility, a condition, or a purpose. The imperative is used in the way languages use imperatives: to give a direct order. Since the Veneds are a polite people, the imperative is not used too often, though. Okay, here are the forms: INFINITIVE amar udzier koczer "to love" "to hear" "to cook" PRESENT sg. 1 amu udziu koku 2 amasz udzisz koczesz 3 ama udzi kocze pl. 1 amam udzim koczem 2 amac' udzic' koczec' 3 ama~ udzia~ koka~ IMPERFECT sg. 1 amaba udzieba koczeba 2 amabasz udziebasz koczebasz 3 amaba udzieba koczeba pl. 1 amabam udziebam koczebam 2 amabac' udziebac' koczebac' 3 amaba~ udzieba~ koczeba~ PERFECT sg. 1 amawy udziewy kokszy 2 amawys' udziewys' kokszys' 3 amawy udziewy kokszy pl. 1 amawym udziewym kokszym 2 amawys'c' udziewys'c' kokszys'c' 3 amawiera~ udziewiera~ kokszyra~ FUTURE I sg. 1 amabu udziebu koczebu 2 amabysz udziebysz koczebysz 3 amaby udzieby koczeby pl. 1 amabym udziebym koczebym 2 amabyc' udziebyc' koczebyc' 3 amabie~ udziebie~ koczeba~ FUTURE II sg. 1 amawru udziewru kokszeru 2 amawrys' udziewrys' kokszerys' 3 amawry udziewry kokszery pl. 1 amawrym udziewrym kokszerym 2 amawryc' udziewryc' kokszeryc' 3 amawra~ udziewra~ kokszera~ CONDITIONAL sg. 1 amarzy udzierzy koczerzy 2 amarzysz udzierzysz koczerzysz 3 amarzy udzierzy koczerzy pl. 1 amarzym udzierzym koczerzym 2 amarzyc' udzierzyc' koczerzyc' 3 amarze~ udzierze~ koczerze~ IMPERATIVE sg. 2 ama udz' kocz pl. 1 amamno udziemno koczemno 2 amac udziec koczec PARTICIPLES pres.act. ama~c udzia~c kocza~c perf.pass. amat udziat kokut The passive voice if simply formed by combining the perfect participle with a form of "jeszer" (to be): PRESENT IMPERFECT sg. 1 su amat jara amat 2 jesz amat jarasz amat 3 jest amat jara amat pl. 1 sum amate jaram amate 2 jes'c' amate jarac' amate 3 sa~ amate jara~ amate PERFECT FUTURE I sg. 1 fi amat jaru amat 2 fis' amat jerzys' amat 3 fi amat jerzy amat pl. 1 fim amate jerzym amate 2 fis'c' amate jerzyc' amate 3 fiera~ amate jerze~ amate FUTURE II CONDITIONAL sg. 1 fiaru amat szy amat 2 fierzys' amat szysz amat 3 fierzy amat szy amat pl. 1 fierzym amate szym amate 2 fierzys'c' amate szyc' amate 3 fiara~ amate szyrze~ amate IMPERATIVE sg. 2 szy amat pl. 1 szymno amate 2 szyc amate PRESENT PARTICIPLE se~c amat I haven't really figured out how to create verbal nouns in Wenedyk. Until now I have used the infinitive, à la French, but I'm afraid that is not the solution I need. Of course, Wenedyk has many irregular verbs. If anyone is interested, I will talk about them in another post. Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Yahoo! Plus For a better Internet experience http://www.yahoo.co.uk/btoffer