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On Sun, 18 May 2003 15:22:33 -0700 "Barry Garcia" <barry_garcia@hidden.email> writes: > Pato seems to be much more common for duck this side of the world > than > ánade. In fact, i hadn't heard of that word for it until just now. > The > same with ánsar. The more common term i hear here is ganso. hmm... i've heard another meaning for _ganso_ (as well as "goose")... -- Robert Wilson (aka kuvazokad, eltirno, edeí...) http://www.kuvazokad.tk/ -- http://kuvazokad.free.fr/ http://www.bultarswan.tk/ vkky vnkynvj vknyknj ykkv knvy? karkalone kontoko? kinsi rorotan kinsa nadas? baitta ke farzaiyai? qxracc pqqattiircx iia kxqqhwiiallccre? spreken þu viserdya? pake biru ka pa rede? "boys speak in rhythm and girls just lie." -- anberlin - "foreign language" "i put out disco's inferno in the early eighties i would not be in a boy band, punk gets all the ladies i could take the backstreet boys or hanson or n'sync britney spears and ricky martin, we all think you stink" -- trendy - "punk rocker" "and i'm only gonna pierce my left ear and i've been workin on this mustache all summer long and my favorite band will always be tears for fears and i'm gonna wear a pink tux to the prom" -- relient k - "in love with the 80's" narav teraz' iroti kojes krat erarota kuna, ysivaz' entas naradas krat zuny narav kuraz dityvyszi, radyji, sa rodyji dimokrosi zosa endas d' erensa dades kirs ins wiz "They are not in Baghdad. They are not in control of any airport. I tell you this. It is all a lie. They lie. It is a hollywood movie. You do not believe them." -- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/M/O d-(---) s: a18 C++$ UL++++>$ P+>++ L+(++)>++++ E--- W++(+++) N o? K--- w+(--) O?> M-- V? PS PE+ Y+(++) PGP++ t+(*) 5-- X+++ R- tv b+++ DI+ D--- G++++ e h! r-- y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!