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romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes: >I like this "eu". What are the other articles in Montreiano? And the >personal >pronouns? Well they follow Spanish closely :) eu - the los - the (pl) un - a/an unos - a/an (pl) la - the las - the (pl) una - a/an unas - a/an eu came about due to a sound change where all final l's became /w/, and often to /u/ However, this change happened before the loss of final e which had actually headed towards /@/ (reflecting the much earlier loss of final e with verb infinitives and other words), after the l > /w/-/u/ change happened, /@/ was finally lost. This caused words ending in lle /l_j/ to convert to /l/: calle > cal - street valle > val - valley This l > w-u change then happened a second time after the previous two, causing internal ll clusters to change to > /wj/. It's complicated but it's all what makes montreiano so dern purty :). __________________________ Hey Vanity, this vial's empty and so are you