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Re: [romanceconlang] My romance lang.

romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes:
>Just shove the idea of auxlanging aside for a moment, and take a look at
>languages like Brithenig, Kerno, Aingeljã, Ninfeano, Jovian, or my own
>Most of these languages are hypothetical, in the sense that they show how
>would have evolved under different conditions; they are examples of unique
>languages that follow an interesting idea, and a pleasure to look at.
>these and other languages can inspire you to turn Neo-Latin into
>something more
>personal, or to drop Neo-Latin altogether and start something new.

If i had a page up, i'd suggest Montreiano too (so's you could take a
gander at it), which went with the idea of sound changes *i* thought were
cool, yet followed also what had happened in old Spanish, or what happened
but didn't follow through all the way. 

A lot of the sound changes are simply what I thought sounded pretty (final
/l/ to /w/ or /u/: el > eu (/ew/ or /eu/). I did however follow the model
of typical western iberian romance languages which is why it looks similar
in many respects to both Spanish and Portuguese. But it's my own creation
and I think it's pretty damn neat.

Here's a smaple.

Eu cavauio sautó sovre eu arvóu caío en un campo d'êrvas verds e autas.

"The horse jumped over a fallen tree in a field of green and tall grasses"


Hey Vanity, this vial's empty and so are you