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Re: [romanceconlang] Fwd: new body words in C-a

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:

> Since vein is vina, I choose an "a" form since
> they are the same category or a "u" form to
> them more
> different and start some kind of yin/yangish
> mumbojumbo about male and female principles in
> bloodflow and have local bloodletters choosing
> to open
> veins or arteries based on assumed excesses of
> "male" or "female" 

A leach that opens his patient's arteries will
not be a leach for long! Reason being, arterial
flow is under high pressure; if you lance an
artery, it _will_ spurt in what is colloquially
known as a "pumper". If the artery he hits is big
enough, the patient will bleed out before he can
do anything to stop it. Given the crude state of
C-a medicine (sheesh! bloodletting!?), I would
not bet a falus on one of their leaches being
able to recover from such an error. Anyway,
arteries are deep and not easily reached by your
average fleam, the blade of which is about 1/2 an
inch long.

> Okay the C-a word for artery is arteriu/arteju.
> But which one?

So long as C-a doctors keep well away from mine,
they can use whichever one they please! ;)


Passe lê tempeor po rizer; passe lê tempeor pois Ddé.
    -- per tradicièn Niponor
