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Re: [romanceconlang] Fwd: new body words in C-a

Oh, well, shows how much *I* know about the fine art
of bloodletting.  Scrap that idea.


--- Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote:
> --- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:
> > Since vein is vina, I choose an "a" form since
> > they are the same category or a "u" form to
> make
> > them more
> > different and start some kind of yin/yangish
> > mumbojumbo about male and female principles in
> > bloodflow and have local bloodletters choosing
> > to open
> > veins or arteries based on assumed excesses of
> > "male" or "female" 
> A leach that opens his patient's arteries will
> not be a leach for long! Reason being, arterial
> flow is under high pressure; if you lance an
> artery, it _will_ spurt in what is colloquially
> known as a "pumper". If the artery he hits is big
> enough, the patient will bleed out before he can
> do anything to stop it. Given the crude state of
> C-a medicine (sheesh! bloodletting!?), I would
> not bet a falus on one of their leaches being
> able to recover from such an error. Anyway,
> arteries are deep and not easily reached by your
> average fleam, the blade of which is about 1/2 an
> inch long.
> > Okay the C-a word for artery is arteriu/arteju.
> > But which one?
> So long as C-a doctors keep well away from mine,
> they can use whichever one they please! ;)
> Padraic.
> =====
> Passe l?tempeor po rizer; passe l?tempeor pois
> Dd?
>     -- per tradici&#37597; Niponor
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