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Help Me Produce a Language Sub-Family :)

I am creating a language sub-family based on my conlang "Lomtalian."  
I need 5 or more languages derived from Lomtalian and if you would 
like to help me, please contact me @ acz0605@hidden.email

I will only be sending volunteers 50 words per day since I am still 
working on the conlang and I add only about 60 words per day.  

If you are part of germaniconlang ( 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/germaniconlang ), PIE Mailing List ( 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pieml), or have interest in Hellenic 
conlangs (just contact me, I am in no group for hellenic conlangs), 
you will be able to help me with 3 other language sub-families (and 
if you really want to, when I compose all 4 lists, you can create the 
family language :o )

Thanks to everyone who volunteers!