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Hi everyone, Although I was boycotting Yahoo for a couple of years, they've taken over the world and virtually every group I want to read and/or be a part of is now in Yahoo, so I threw in the towel and resubscribed. To my delight I found this group, which didn't exist when I was on Yahoo before! Most of you will probably know me from Conlang. I haven't had much time for my own conlanging lately, and none of my languages are Romance conlangs (I worked through my "Euroclone" phase many years ago, and never got back to more, well, artful Romance conlang development), so I don't have anything of my own to show. However, I have done lots of work with one of the more (in)famous Romance conlangs, namely Talossan, which I learned to the point of being able to hold everyday conversations in, though I need the dictionary to read/write more complex things. Ben Madison (the creator of Talossan) has told me that I speak the language better than he does, though I disagree. :) Our record for an entirely Talossan-language conversation currently stands at approximately 90 minutes, which we're proud of. :) Anyway, I'm currently working on editing the third edition of the Talossan grammar. If anyone is interested, the second edition of the grammar and the 1997 dictionary are downloadable in PDF format from www.talossa.com/glhetg/. Someday, when/if I ever get around to working on a Romance conlang of my own, I'll share it with the list. In the meatime, I will enjoy reading about all of yours. :) Regards to all, Thomas Leigh