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Jan van Steenbergen graje: > Well, there are two examples I can think of: Mesegoika, by Alexis Katsaros, > which is some sort of Greek-Spanish hybrid. And Ferko Valoczy has presumably > started a new Slavo-Greek language lately. I've posted a short passage in Spanish-styled Greekconlang yesterday to the Conlang-L, and they seemed to be left without any attention. Maybe the quality was low: I made them just on spot, in 30 minutes - my interests these days lay in a bit different area... Here it is: <<Calemeras, quenonos mu! Emé dedáscalo po glosas étnecas. Dedasco ta ebraica que ta británica. Omólogo te ta bule po Yaño ené polí cala.>> With love, ~~~~~~Yitzik~~~~~~