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Re: [romanceconlang] Question on Italic languages

Jan van Steenbergen scripsit:

> Hehe. I am starting to think that it is time for someone to create a P-Germanic
> language :) .

Germanic is really F-Celtic-Italic.

> Well, literally I would say: "Je~ mieje urzyk)B£a jad sona komód grzec" (to my
> ears that sounds like Greek). Or "... kom)Bód chinióz" (... like Chinese).

I collected the names of languages used in this expression once, over a bunch
of natlangs.  "Greek" and "Chinese" were dominant, but I also collected
"Hebrew" (for Danish), and "Turkish" (for Italian).  I particularly liked
the following phrase:  "Parlo italiano o turco ottomano?!"

John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email  www.reutershealth.com  www.ccil.org/~cowan
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