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Re: Get-To-Know Translation Exercise

Well, here you have these sentences in Aingeljã:

> > 1)  This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to be.

Da tawarna nõn eh tant bõna qwe esabe.
[da ta"warna non"E tant "bona kwe e"sabe]

> > 2)  What are you doing?  I told you to leave them where they 

Qwe cosa façes? Jo djué-ti qwe tu deixabes-ous dõn eseiren.
[kwe "kosa "fases jo dj"weti kwe tu de"Sabesous done"seiren]

> > 3)  I would embrace the world if I could.

Imbraçrie ou mond si potabe.
[imbras"rie ou mond si po"tabe]

> > 4)  The cat ate the mouse I gave her like a tiger [would].

Ou cat manggé ou maus qwe jo doné-ou cõn u~ tecer.
[ou kat man"dZe ou maus kwe jo do"neou con"u "teker]

> > 5)  Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want to buy it.

Si, j'heh-ti odat, e nõ, nõ volle tendre-ou.
[si "jEti o"dat e no no "voLe "tendreou]

> > 6)  Welcome!  Here's your room key.  -- Thank you.  --  You're 

Benevenat! Ca vos havets va clawa dal'habitacjõ. -- A va merçè. -- E 
jo ad a va.
[beneve"nat ka vos ha"vets va "klawa dalabita"kjo a va mer"se e jo 
ad a va]

A va merçè = at your service (mercy)
E jo ad a va = And I'm at yours (your service).

> > 7)  Sir, could I please have a glass of water?

Mouser, potets vos aportre-mi u~ vas d'aqwa?
[mou"ser po"tets vos a"portremi u vas "dakwa]

> > 8)  Your mother was a prostitute.  (Or equally insulting idiom.)

Ta mara eh u~na putãna.
[ta "mara E "una pu"tana]


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