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Re: [romanceconlang] Get-To-Know Translation Exercise

Christian Thalmann wrote:
It occurred to me that there are some romlangers on this list whose
lang I don't really know yet.  Therefore, I'd like to pass around this
short translation exercise to get a feel and smell from them (hey, I
should coin that as an idiom ;-).

Please add an indication of the pronunciation, preferably in X-SAMPA
or (even better) as an MP3 clip.

OK, in Jelbäzech:

1)  This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to be.

La tawarn äch n'es pfuntz komm bon k'era

/la 'tavarn Ex nes pfunts kom bo:n 'kera/

2)  What are you doing?  I told you to leave them where they were!

Ke fachetz-wo? Wo dich lacharlen don son!
/ke 'faxets vo    vo dIx la'xarlen don son/

3)  I would embrace the world if I could.

Ambratzaraw l'örfen si pfodraw.
/ambra'tsaraf l9rven si 'pfodraf/

4)  The cat ate the mouse I gave her like a tiger [would].

La chatz a'l musen chometz ke lan däva-jo komm tiger.
/la xats al 'musen 'xomets ke lan 'dEvajo kom 'ti:ger

5)  Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want to buy it.

Öchil, wo aschultza-jo e no, no wol chomerlen.
/'9xil vo a'Sultsajo e no  no vol xo'merlen

6)  Welcome!  Here's your room key.  -- Thank you.  --  You're welcome.

Benwenutz! Äch wost klaw dela chamer. -- Grätz. -- Rennatz.
/ben'venuts   Ex vost klaf  'dela xamer.   grEts   rennats/

7)  Sir, could I please have a glass of water?

Döwn, zeneraw della watzer?
/d9vn  tse'neraf  'dela 'vatser/

8)  Your mother was a prostitute.  (Or equally insulting idiom.)

Zu matzer era pfutzan.
/tsu 'matser 'era 'pfutsan/


Pa vezer o vageal e bae Douarnenez e klever a-wechoù un trouz iskis:
        Kleier kêr Is a zo a seniñ dinandan ar mor.