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Re: [romanceconlang] Get-To-Know Translation Exercise

--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote:


> 1)  This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to
> be.

Zew et Noeves! Ystowch sa ar nonck com en Zawzen
con morthes, ce pub.

[Dew e nuEv  i'stowx saR nO~nk c@m@n 'zawz@n kon
mor't_hEs s@ pUb]

Gods and saints! Stinks anymore like a dead
English dog, this pub!

> 2)  What are you doing?  I told you to leave
> them where they were!

Quen faz ty, tu!? Decki mi dos ti depon-els 'n
ounde ystont!

[kE~ faD ti tu  'ZEkImi dosti d@'ponEws nunde

What do thou!? Said I at thee belay them all
where they be!

> 3)  I would embrace the world if I could.

Mi, embraciarew ieo le mbetisez si podrew.

[mi E~mbraSj@r'Ew Zo l@~ bEtiseD si poDr'Ew]

Me, I'd embrace the world if I could.

> 4)  The cat ate the mouse I gave her like a
> tiger [would].

Comezi cel cats la lucketh dedie ieo, punt com en

[k@mED'i sEl kats l@ 'lukET d@Zij@ Zo pUnt k@m@n

Ate that cat the mouse that-gave I, precisely
like a lion.

> 5)  Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want
> to buy it.

Mira ty, t' owthem mi te, et n' goueliomus spex
les nquencke.

['mir@ti  t_howD@m mi tejEt n@ wElj@m spEx l@~s

Look thou, thee I heard (thee), and we don't want
none o that whatsit.

> 6)  Welcome!  Here's your room key.  -- Thank
> you.  --  You're welcome.

Bengoueneth! La tew dorowllaws. Mil gracea. De

[bE~NwEnET  l@ tuw doruwhlawIs   mil grase@   d@

Welcome! Thy doorkey. Many thanks. It's nothing.

> 7)  Sir, could I please have a glass of water?

[To a host:]
A Ddon, pozrew detrayer dy tew acoues?

[a Don poD'rEw d@tra'jer di t_hEw 'akwEs]

Lord, could I quaff some-of thy waters?

[To a waiter:]
A vack, dys acoues aci!

[a vak dis 'akwEs as'i]

Hey lad, some water here!

> 8)  Your mother was a prostitute.

N' podrew doarfazer-si li yen nZawzen, la tew
mam, si doprus-el!

[n@ pod'rEw dwarfa'Dersi li jEnd zawzEn, l@ tEw
mam si doprusEl]

Couldn't over-to-put-herself to an Englishman,
thy mam, if (she) tried it!


beuyont alch geont la ciay la cina
mangeiont alch geont y faues la lima;
     pe' ne m' molestyont
     que faciont
doazque y facyont in rima.


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