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Re: [romanceconlang] Get-To-Know Translation Exercise

romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes:
Please add an indication of the pronunciation, preferably in X-SAMPA 
or (even better) as an MP3 clip.

1)  This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to be.

Esta taverna no es tan bono como era.

/'eSta ta'verna no es tan 'bono 'como 'era/

2)  What are you doing?  I told you to leave them where they were!

Que façes? Io te dixeu quearlos deond stavan!

/ke 'fatses/ /jo te di'Sew ke'arlos de'ond 'Stavan/

3)  I would embrace the world if I could.

Abraçaria io eu mundo si podria.

/abratsa'rija jo ew 'mundo si po'drija/

4)  The cat ate the mouse I gave her like a tiger [would].

Eu gato comava eu raton le dava io como un tigre.

/ew 'gato ko'mava ew ra'ton le 'dava jo 'como un 'tigre/

5)  Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want to buy it.

Si! Te ê ascuçao*, i no, no quero comprarlo. 

/si te e askut'sau i no, no 'kero com'prarlo/

*this is used when the speaker wants to make it clear they were listening.
The more literal trans is "oiio" (/ojio/

6)  Welcome!  Here's your room key.  -- Thank you.  --  You're welcome.

Benvenio! Est es su clav a su aucova, --Graças. -- De nà.

/benve'nijo/ /'eSt es su klav a su aw'kova/ /'gratsas/ /de na:/ 

7)  Sir, could I please have a glass of water?

Señior, es posiul que podria tener un vaso de agua?

/seN'jor es po'siwl ke pod'rija te'ner un 'vaso de 'agwa/

8)  Your mother was a prostitute.  (Or equally insulting idiom.)

Tu madre es una puta!

/tu madre es una puta/

Equally insulting in AC as it's the same in Spanish :)