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From: "Christian Thalmann" <cinga@hidden.email> Anyway, I realize the story is both (1) far-fetched and implausible and (2) isolationist, precluding any contact with other cultures, which isn't too interesting. I've been trying to come up with better explanations, but so far I haven't succeeded. Any ideas? =P
I hadn't thought before that it might be a *revived* CL rather than one carrying on from ancient Rome. If you are prepared to at least start it on Earth it could be as follows: towards the end of the Roman empire, a party of patrician Romans who could still speak Classical Latin escaped from the collapsing empire to a place of relative safety - I would suggest North Africa. There they found a new colony, which maintains the classical form of the language as a riposte to the triumph of the common form of the language in the old empire.
I don't know how it gets to Jupiter tho... maybe if you continue that colony as a surviving country in Ill Bethisad, and eventually it joins in space exploration.
-- Christian Thalmann
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