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Re: Origins of Jovian

--- In romanceconlang@y..., "Mat McVeagh" <matmcv@h...> wrote:

> I hadn't thought before that it might be a *revived* CL rather than
> carrying on from ancient Rome. If you are prepared to at least start
it on 
> Earth it could be as follows: towards the end of the Roman empire, a
> of patrician Romans who could still speak Classical Latin escaped
from the 
> collapsing empire to a place of relative safety - I would suggest
> Africa. There they found a new colony, which maintains the classical
form of 
> the language as a riposte to the triumph of the common form of the
> in the old empire.

Yeah, I've had such thoughts too...  in my earliest versions, I had 
some elitist grouping of Romans (Something like a sect perhaps?  The
children of Jupiter?  That would at least explain the name...) 
founding a colony somewhere off the wars and invasions in Europe.
However, I'd have to drop the German substrate completely...  or
maybe adopt something else as a substrate, but I'm afraid I'm not
familiar with any language that was spoken at that time.  =(

Of course, I could include the Germanic substrate in the form of
a load of Germanic slaves carried along as workers...  but surely
the Germanic languages 2000 years ago were totally different from
the German I know...  =(

As for Northern Africa, well, it would be a possibility, I guess,
but it would introduce yet another substratum of pre-existing 
culture with which I have even less experience...

> I don't know how it gets to Jupiter tho... maybe if you continue
that colony 
> as a surviving country in Ill Bethisad, and eventually it joins in
> exploration.

It doesn't need to get to Jupiter.  My planned sci-fi universe that
would contain Jovia has never been developed past the conceptual idea
stage, so I could well transplant the language along with its culture
into another universe.

-- Christian Thalmann