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Reading orbilat.com, i found out that the other Romance languages *except* Spanish use the definite articles with the posessive pronouns, agreeing with the gender of the posessed noun. So, of course i have to add this feature to Montreiano (so sue me, i got busy and hand't decided this small detail :)) Anyway, i'm considering several routes with the masculine definite article with posessive pronouns: eumi - my eutu - your euvostro - your eusu - his,hers, its eunostro - our or: e'mi e'tu e'vostro e'su e'nostro or: emi etu evostro esu enostro I kind of like the third choice the best, but i'd kind of like to get opinions on it before i decide. The feminine are easiest: lami latu lavostro lasu lanostro __________________________ I've got love and anger they come as a pair you can take your chances but buyer beware