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Dear friends, After spending a few days on studying Vulgar Latin and brainstorming about my Slavo-Romance conlang Slovanik, I have finally come to some to some conclusions. First of all, the orthography. It will be entirely based on Polish. I have been seriously considering the possibility of a Czech/Croat orthography, and even generated a number of words, but came to the conclusion that Polish suits me (and the language) better. Second, I have decided to change the name of the language to Wenedyk, derived from the name the Romans used for the Slavs (later for the West Slavs), Venedi. I still genuinely like the old name "Slavonik", but somehow it seems a bit tasteless to me; it might have survived if I would wipe out the whole Slavic community from my alternate timeline, but that's absolutely not what I want to do. The purpose of Wenedyk is to show what a Romance language with a West Slavic substratum would look like. The idea is obviously stolen from, sorry, inspired by languages like Brithenig, Breathanach, and Kerno. Nevertheless, I think it could be interesting enough, and that's why I want to make a real effort to make it succeed. To keep as close to reality as possible, I try to limit my history bending to a minimum, but since the Slavs lived not even near Roman territory, my backstory will have to move a bit further away from the truth than was the case for the above-mentioned languages. It will be something like this: the Roman Empire was a bit stronger than it actually was in reality, and encompassed some small territories on the other side of the Danube as well. Let's say part of what is now called the Czech Republic. Those territories were inhabited by some small West-Slavic tribes, who were known to the Romans as Venedi and called themselves Slov'eni. The Romans brought them not only their language, that become more and more locally flavoured with the centuries, but also a technical advantage to their fellow Slavs more to the East, which allowed them to maintain both their language and their sovereignty. Later, when threatened by invasions of Huns, Avars and Magyars, they moved a bit North, to more quiet regions, into the Southern part of contemporary Poland, Silesia. From that time on, their development took place together with that of the (real) Poles, who were their Northern neighbours. When the Wenedzi started to develop a written language, they did this following Polish standards. Since the Wenedzi live on Polish territory and almost every speaker of Wenedyk is at least bilingual, the language has been under strong Polish influence for ages. Okay, since it seems to be common practice that Celto-Romance languages work with a Grand Master Plan for derivation from Vulgar Latin, I added one to the collection myself; I sent it to Conlang earlier. However, some studying of Vulgar Latin showed me that it was more of an Amateur Plan. Hence I made some modifications, and here is my second version: VOWELS /a/ [A] /e/ when initial: [jE] when long: [E], but after /v/ or /d/ causes palatalization of the preceding consonant when short: [j] (disappears, but causes palatalization of the preceding consonant(s); the empty space can eventually be filled up with [I] or [E]) /i/ when long: [i] when short: /y/ [I] or /e/ [E] when followed by another vowel (hiatus): [j] or palatalization of preceding consonant(s) /o/ [O] when after a stressed syllable: [u] /u/ when long: [u] when short: [O] when followed by /a/ or /o/: [v] when followed by /e/: [j] or palatalization of preceding consonant(s) when followed by /i/: disappears with palatalization of preceding consonant(s) DIPHTHONGS /ae/ like /e/ /oe/ like /e/ /au/ [Av] /eu/ [jEv] CONSONANTS Remain as they are, with the following exceptions: /p/ before short /e/ for /i/ > [p'] (= [p_j]) /b/ idem > [b'] /f/ idem > [f'] /v/ idem > [v'] /t/ before short /e/ > [ts] before /i/ > [ts'] /d/ before short /e/ > [dz] (when initial: [z]) before /i/ > [dz'] (when initial: [z'] /s/ before short /e/ or /i/ > [S] when medial > [z] when final: disappears or [s] /c/ before /a/, /o/, /u/ > /k/ [k] before long /e/ > [k'] before short /e/ or /i/ > [tS] /g/ before short /e/ or /i/ > [dZ] (when initial: [Z] /h/ before /a/, /o/, /u/, long /e/ > /ch/ [x] before short /e/ > [j] before /i/: disappears /qu/ before /a/ > [kv] before /o/ or /u/ > [k] before long /e/ or /ae/ > [k'] before /i/ or short /e/ > [tS] /x/ when medial > [tS] when final > [S] /r/ when final > [r] or [j] /l/ before /a/, /o/, /u/, long /e/ > [L\], [5] (perhaps Polish [w]) before short /e/ or /i/ > [l'] /m/ before short /e/ or /i/ > [m'] when final: disappears in most cases /n/ before short /e/ or /i/ > [n'] Combinations: /tre/ when at the end of a word: [ts'] /cte/ [ts] /cti/ [ts'] /cs/ [S] /rr/ when double > [rj] (in the language becomes Polish-based, this would become /rz/ [Z] /Vns/ [V~s] /mn/ [n'] /VmpV/ [V~pV] /VmptV/, /VntV/ and /VnctV/ when second vowel = /a/, /o/, /u/, long /e/ > [V~tV] when second vowel = short /e/ > [V~ts] when second vowel = /i/ > [V~ts'i] /st/, /sp/, /sc/ when initial: in rare cases preceded by [jE] due to Western influence Nasalization of the preceding vowel leads (like in Russian and other Slavic languages, but unlike in Polish) lead to the following changes: [a~] [u] [e~] [a] The endings /us/ and /um/ disappear; when preceded by /e/ they are replaced with [j]. That's it. I'll be working on the grammar soon. Comments/Critique/Whatever else you could think of are very solicited! Regards, Jan P.S. I will send this message to both Conlang, RomanceConlang, and SlaviConlang, so if some of you receive it twice (or even thrice), please accept my apologies for the inconvenience and don?t hesitate to use the Delete-key at least once :) ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com