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Re: [romanceconlang] Language names (was: Greetings and Intro to my projects)

En réponse à Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email>:

> Why not create a legend wherein a dissaffected Remus
> leaves Latium in a huff (perhaps Romulus's walls were
> too ugly) and his followers end up in Carthaginian
> territory. This would gove you some Punic (Semitic)
> influence; and they could end up out in coastal west
> Africa somewhere (to keep them isolated for a while).
> Trade from Carthage would reinforce the Punic
> adstrate.

Could be a possibility. As I said, nothing can be ruled out.

> > Well, it's not that bad an idea is it? I might think
> > of working it in more 
> > details... Although I doubt it would have any
> > likelihood.
> Whoever said it had to be "likely"!? ;)

Well, I don't want to bend history too much for this one. After all, I'd like 
to think of it as possible *here* :)) .

> I think _all_ Romance languages are derived from VL.
> But VL itself evolved over time and in different
> places, so the VL that gave rise to Spanish and Sard
> would necessarily be different.

I've read that Sardinian separated from Common Latin around the 2nd century BC. 
Wouldn't that be a bit too early to talk about Vulgar Latin? IIRC at that time 
the spoken and written language were not so different as two centuries later. 
If I separate Reman from the rest even before, then saying that it comes from 
Vulgar Latin doesn't make any sense either.



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