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Re: [romanceconlang] Language names (was: Greetings and Intro to my projects)

--- Christophe Grandsire
<christophe.grandsire@hidden.email> wrote:

> working title. I've sometimes toyed with the idea
> that it could be a language 
> that evolved completely in isolation from Classical
> Latin, among a group of 
> Romans who for some reason were separated from the
> kingdom (yes, it separated 
> very early) and, after passing through a
> Semitic-speaking area (the influence 
> of Semitic languages is not strong, but it's there,

Why not create a legend wherein a dissaffected Remus
leaves Latium in a huff (perhaps Romulus's walls were
too ugly) and his followers end up in Carthaginian
territory. This would gove you some Punic (Semitic)
influence; and they could end up out in coastal west
Africa somewhere (to keep them isolated for a while).
Trade from Carthage would reinforce the Punic

> Well, it's not that bad an idea is it? I might think
> of working it in more 
> details... Although I doubt it would have any
> likelihood.

Whoever said it had to be "likely"!? ;)

> Indeed, that's their only connection. Even their
> actual ancestor tongue is 
> different. Narbonósc is based on Vulgar Latin, like
> all Western Romance 
> languages. Reman is supposed to have separated much
> earlier, like Sardinian, 
> and is thus a daughter of Classical Latin.

I think _all_ Romance languages are derived from VL.
But VL itself evolved over time and in different
places, so the VL that gave rise to Spanish and Sard
would necessarily be different.

> Christophe.


beuyont alch geont la ciay la cina
mangeiont alch geont y faues la lima;
     pe' ne m' molestyont
     que faciont
doazque y facyont in rima.

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