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--- Christophe wrote: > [...] The fact that it is Reman instead of Roman may mean that those people > consider themselves followers of Remus, and thus would have fleed from > the Romans at legendary times, around the foundation of Rome. Of course, it > would probably be an internal legend, the truth would probably be different. > > Well, it's not that bad an idea is it? I might think of working it in more > details... Although I doubt it would have any likelihood. Absolutely. Well, you could argue that something is either true or untrue, but never a bit true. So, bending history just a bit to make it more convenient for our purposes is in no way better than altering it a bit more. All my languages are meant to be languages that would have existed, if history had just been a little different. Or even languages that actually might have existed but were never documented. My Hattic languages is supposed to be a member of a separate Indo-European branch, say, the missing link between Germanic and Tocharian. I'm quite sure the language does not exist and has never existed, but it seems to me at least possible that a similar language has been there, but escaped the attention of those cultures that could have documented it and was extinct long before it could have documented itself. I have always been fascinated by the fact that Latin had sister languages (Oscan, Umbrian, Volscian, Faliscan, etc.). What I have seen from them really tickles my imagination. What would the Romance language have looked like if not the Latins but the Oscans or the Umbrians had been strongest? > > I'm considering to rename it to "Wenedyk", in accordance to the name the > > Romans gave to the Slavs (Venedi). > > Why not a toponym? But for that, you have to decide exactly where the > language is spoken ;))) . I think it will go for Lower Silesia. Anyway, I'll change history as much as I like to make it fit my purposes :) Which reminds me: After I finished high school and before I went to university to study history, the director expressed the hope that I would study history the way it had been and not the way I would like it to have been. I could have served the poor lady better!!! > Still, knowing the history of the language names I know, it's > true that a tribe name stays the best idea (it needn't even be the name of a > tribe who spoke the language, see French, named after the Franks, who were a > Germanic tribe, whose language is the ancestor of Dutch and Flemish ;)))) ). > So your idea is quite good. That what I think, too :))) Jan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com