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Re: [romanceconlang] Greetings and Intro to my projects

En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>:

> Speaking for myself, the best place to find a solution to this type of
> problems
> is a nice, hot bath. 

Unfortunately I just have a shower...

> In general, I'm satisfied with the names of my languages, although in
> the case
> of Hattic it took me a while. The funny thing is that I completely
> cannot
> remember where my language names came from. I guess they just came to me
> in a
> dream or something.

I usually don't have a special origin for my language names (Narbonósc being 
the exception). The few language names that have been justified in the language 
were justified a posteriori ;))) .

> However, I am not very sure about the name for my newest language,
> Slovanik. It
> sounds a bit cheap to me and way too similar to names of other,
> existing
> languages. On the other hand, it covers the load nicely, and at least as
> a
> "working title" it is acceptable. It will probably take me some time,
> too,
> until I find the strength to take a definitive decision about it.

It's a bit like my Narbonósc, which had the working name "Roumant", quite 
descriptive and correct in the language, but way too cheap and not specific 
enough for a language spoken in a zone surrounded with Romance languages. When 
I finally chose to derive its "real" name from the Latin toponym "Narbonensis", 
I didn't just discarded "Roumant". Instead, it became the name of the stage of 
language between Vulgar Latin and Old Narbonese, just like "Roman" is the name 
French people give to the stage of language between Vulgar Latin and Old 
French :))) . So I could reflect the external history of the language name into 
the internal history ;)))) . Neat eh? ;))))



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