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--- Eamon Graham wrote: > > En effet ! J'ai exactement le même problème ! Pour mon narbonnois (dans la > > langue |narbonósc|, il m'a fallu plusieurs mois pour trouver un nom > convenable. > > I've often considered using the method of Tristan Tzara and just > picking a word at random from the dictionary and then weaving an > elaborate story around it to justify it. Speaking for myself, the best place to find a solution to this type of problems is a nice, hot bath. In general, I'm satisfied with the names of my languages, although in the case of Hattic it took me a while. The funny thing is that I completely cannot remember where my language names came from. I guess they just came to me in a dream or something. However, I am not very sure about the name for my newest language, Slovanik. It sounds a bit cheap to me and way too similar to names of other, existing languages. On the other hand, it covers the load nicely, and at least as a "working title" it is acceptable. It will probably take me some time, too, until I find the strength to take a definitive decision about it. Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com