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Re: [romanceconlang] some food terms

romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes:
>It, like many New World loans into Spanish got caught by the same Romance 
>rule that transformed William into Guillermo.  Initial or intervocalic 
>w-sounds get hardened to gw.  /awakatl/ > /agwakate/.  It happened to 
>Germanic loans, it happened to Arabic loans, it hapened to Amerind loans
>its still active today.  It wasn't hard to hear Hispanics in the Dallas 
>area, many of whom are L2 speakers of English, convert the W at the 
>beginning of English words and names to Gw.

True, but i've heard Mexican classmates vacilate between gw and w. For
instance, in many of my upper level classes, we have native speakers. I've
seen many who haven't taken courses in writing Spanish mispell various
words such as güero /gwero/ as huero /wero/. 

Communication is not just words, communication is...architecture
because of course it is quite obvious that  the house that would be built
without that desire, that desire to communicate, would not look as your
house does today.