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Re: [romanceconlang] About semantic shifts in Romance langs

Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> Lately I've been wondering about semantic changes from Proto-Romance to the
> different Romance langs.

Interestingly, I'd just been "discovered" a couple of interesting drifts
a couple of hours ago.

Pót (/poT/) < Lat. Porta = Mouth
Òma (/'OmA/) < Lat. Homo = A polite pronoun for "I" ("This person")
Ònai (/'On&/) < Vul. Lat. *Homine, reformed nom. by analogy with
   _hominem_ = Foreigner (originally euphemistic)
Snato (/'znAto/) < Lat. Senâtor = Gentleman
Snáu (/znAw/) < Snato = A polite pronoun for "you"
Patli (/'pAKi/) < Patria = Europe
Pfienç (/pfjents/) < sapiens = evil person (<witch < wizard < wise man)
   As you can see, there was a strong anti-intellectual tendency in
     Román culture.

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