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Re: [romanceconlang] Digest Number 15

romanceconlang@hidden.email writes:
>Well, the Babbling Fish babbled too fast: French uses "un(e) autre",
>"autre" alone.

Which is exactly why i dont rely on it for most translations. It basically
sucks :). I dont know who programs it, but it needs work. It's pretty much
proof machine translation has a LONG way to go ;). 

By the way, does anyone know of a source for a free Gothic Rotunda font
with the secondary form of r and the elongated s (preferably true type for

An example of what i'm talking about is found in the Doctrina Christiana
in the word "Christiana"...

Incidentally, the Doctrina Christiana is an interesting document because
it not only contains writing in 16th century Spanish, but it also has  the
baybayin script which was used for Tagalog.  


Aunque vengas de rodillas 				
y me implores y me pidas 				
aunque vengas y me llores  				
que te absuelva y te perdone 				
Aunque a mi me causes pena  			
he tirado tus cadenas