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Re: [romanceconlang] Digest Number 11

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 01:19:02 -0600 Eric Christopherson
<raccoon@hidden.email> writes:
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 06:03:41PM +1300, andrew wrote:
> > Am 12/21 20:39  Barry Garcia yscrifef:
> > > romanceconlang@hidden.email writes:

> > > >  "And remember the truth that once was spoken,
> > > >  To love another person is to see the face of God."
Okay, i think i sent a translation of the last half into Jûdajca to
Conlang (on maybe it was here?), but now i'll try a full one here:

"Ê recold â hujjêr cujajtât dixuyês,
 Ammâl â hujaftrî - celnîl pacjêj H' es."

(and it almost rhymes, too!  /eS/ first line, /ES/ second)

<H'> is read _Hayêm_, /ha'Zem/.

What it *really* looks like can be found:


A few (at least i think they are) interesting features of this sentence:

JÊR (< VÊRÎ, nom. vêrus), as opposed to being derived from VÊRITÂS
AJTÂT (< AETÂTIS, nom. aetâs) for "time, instance" different than "time
(abstract)" like Hebrew "pa`am/zeman" and Spanish "vez/tiempo"
DIXUYÊS (< DICTUS EST) merger of the compound verb for "was spoken"
AMMÂL (< AMÂRE) gemination of the M since it fits a Hebrew wordform
PACJÊJ (<FACIÊÎ, nom. faciês) has been Hebraicized - the non-construct
singular form fits a Hebrew plural construct wordform ('segolate')
perfectly, making _pacjêj_ the plural construct form, and back-forming
non-construct: s._pêcî_ p._pcajîm_ and construct s._pêcî_ (same as n.c.)

-Stephen (Steg)
 "...dehhei admon betzeil tzalmon..."

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